Project Number
WW 19-09
Project title
Use of ozone as pre-treatment to wetland treatment of winery or distillery effluent
Project leader
Du Plessis, K R
Team members
Wolfaardt, G M
Britz, T
Sigge, G
Project description
Considering the implications of new legislation regarding the management of winery and distillery effluents, the development of affordable, reliable systems has become an urgent necessity. Despite many efforts over the last few years to evaluate existing treatment methods, or to develop new strategies, there is still no system available with wide application. Cost is typically a major constraint. The applicability of constructed wetlands for the treatment of wastewater has been demonstrated for a number of industries. However, it has been found that winery and distillery effluents with COD levels in access of 10 000 mg/L are strenuous on the efficacy of constructed wetland systems.
The aim of this study will be to investigate the feasibility of using ozone as a pre-treatment of winery and distillery effluents before discharge to wetland systems.