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Understanding and Manipulating Disease Resistance in Grapevine

by | Oct 25, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number
IWBT-P 08-12

Project title
Understanding and manipulating disease resistance in grapevine

Project leader
Vivier, M A

University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of AgriSciences. Institute for Wine Biotechnology

Team members
De Beer, A
Tredoux, M
Mbewana, S
Venter, A
Rao, S
Stander, C
Lerm, T
Krishnan, V
Mostert, L

Project description
Disease management remains one of the key components in viticultural production systems. It also remains one of the major expenses in production and together with unpredictable climatic factors, one of the most important risk factors that could negatively impact grapevine products. Modern agriculture has dealt with this reality by improving natural resistance against pathogens by resistance breeding, as well as comprehensive use of agrochemicals. Both these strategies have limits, and the use of agrochemicals in addition has extremely negative effects on the environment, as well as poses potential risks to consumers regarding harmful residues and product safety. Most grapevine producers around the world aim to optimise production and product quality; minimise the negative impact on the environment, while maintaining or improving cost effectiveness and product safety. These broad industry aims provide the outcomes that we work towards in the Grapevine Biotechnology Programme of the IWBT. Within the project theme of Understanding and manipulating disease resistance in grapevine the specific objectives are to improve our understanding of the biology of grapevine regarding disease resistance and to use this knowledge in providing alternative strategies (and/or) plant material for disease management.

The proposed projects follow on previously funded projects supported by Winetech, DFPT, NRF, and THRIP and benefit from the progress made in these projects, as well as the development and accumulation of methods and expertise. The proposed research will almost exclusively use grapevine as the study model since significant genetic resources and methodologies have been developed in Vitis vinifera to support both the fundamental and applied aspects of the projects. Moreover, in addition to our existing focus on Botrytis cinerea as a fungal model pathogen, several major grapevine fungal pathogens will also be included in the experiments.

Becker, J, Young, P R and Vivier, M A. 2007. The mevalonate and terpenoid pathways are induced in response to Botrytis cinerea in both tobacco and grapevine. Paper presented at the 14th International Botrytis Symposium. 21-26 October, Cape Town, South Africa.

Becker, J, Young, P R and Vivier, M A. 2008. The mevalonate and terpenoid pathways are induced in response to Botrytis cinerea in both tobacco and grapevine. Paper presented at the Bio08 Congress. 21-25 January, Grahamstown, South Africa.

De Beer, A and Vivier, M A. 2008. Vitis vinifera antimicrobial peptide 1 (Vv-AMP1) shows strong antifungal activity against a broad spectrum of fungal pathogens. Paper presented at the Bio08 Congress. 21-25 January, Grahamstown, South Africa.

Vasanth, K, Lerm, T and Vivier, M A. 2008. Cryopreservation and Agrobacterium mediated transformation of suspension cultures of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) International Conference of Biotechnology. 6-8 February, India.

Sharathchandra, R G, Ndimba, B K and Vivier, M A. 2008. Proteomic analysis of PGIP-specific fungal resistant phenotypes in tobacco. 2nd International Conference on Genomics and Proteomics. 3-5 March, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.

Becker, J v W, Venter, A, Mbewana, S and Vivier, M A. 2008. Functional analysis of polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) from Vitis species: Identification of an additional role in plant defence. Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology. 23-28 November, Adelaide, Australia.

Nguema-Ona, E, Moore, J P and Vivier, M A. 2008. A method for analysing cell wall reinforcement in transgenic tobacco lines expressing Vitis vinifera polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs). Paper presented at the Cape Biotechnology Forum. 30 November – 2 December, Somerset West, South Africa.

Vivier, M A. 2008. Understanding and manipulating grapevine stress responses. Paper presented at the Cape Biotechnology Forum. 30 November – 2 December, Somerset West, South Africa.

Vivier, M A. 2008. Understanding and manipulating grapevine stress. Paper presented at the South African Chemometrics Symposium. 1-5 December, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Nguema-Ona, E E, Moore, J P and Vivier, M A. 2009. The role of polygalacturonase inhibiting proteins and the cell wall of grapevine in pathogen defence. Paper presented at the South African Association of Botany Conference. 19-23 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Tredoux, M M, De Beer, A, Rautenbach, M and Vivier M A. 2009. Production and purification of a grapevine antifungal peptide in Escherichia coli: An optimised method. Paper presented at the 16th Conference of the South African Society for Microbiology and BIO-2-BIZ Conference. 20-23 September, Durban, South Africa.

Venter, A, Tredoux, M M, De Beer, A and Vivier, M A 2009. Antifungal genes and proteins from grapevine. Paper presented at the 16th Conference of the South African Society for Microbiology and BIO-2-BIZ Conference. 20-23 September, Durban, South Africa.

Moore, J P, Nguema-Ona, E E and Vivier, M A. 2010. Tracking the careers of grape and wine polymers. Paper presented at the 4th International Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 28-30 July, Cape Town, South Africa.

Vivier, M A. 2009. Witroes bestandheid – ontwikkeling van GMO druiwevariëteite. Winetech VinPro Information Daty, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Nguema-Ona, E E, Steyn, C, Moore, J P, Alexanderson, E, Jacobson, M and Vivier, M A. 2010. Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins, cell wall remodelling and defence: Are there links? Paper presented at the 12th Cell Wall Meeting. 25-30 July 2010, Porto, Portugal.

Nguema-Ona, E E, Moore, J P, Alexanderson, E, Jacobson, D and Vivier, M A. 2010. Analyses of Botrytis cinerea defence phenotypes highlight the importance of studying the plant cell wall in plant pathogen interactions. Paper presented at the 15th International Botrytis Symposium. 30 May-4 June, Cádiz, Spain.

Vivier, M A. 2010. Genetics and genomic approaches to improve grape quality for winemaking. Paper presented at the International Intervitis Interfructa Congress. 24-28 March 2010, Stuttgart, Germany.

De Beer, A and Vivier, M A. 2010. Intein-mediated expression allows for the production of biologically active plant defensive peptides in Escherichia coli. Paper presented at the Cape Biotechnology Forum. 24-26 March, Somerset West, South Africa.

Jacobson, D, Alexandersson, E, Young, P R and Vivier, M A. 2010. Re-examining microarray probe sets to improve downstream analysis. Paper presented at the Cape Biotechnology Forum. 24-26 March, Somerset West, South Africa.

Lashbrooke, J G, Young, P R and Vivier, M A. 2010. Metabolic profiling of photosynthetic pigments in transgenic grapevine. Paper presented at the Cape Biotechnology Forum. 24-26 March, Somerset West, South Africa.

Nguema-Ona, E E, Moyo, M, Steyn, J, Moore, J P and Vivier, M A. 2010. Cell wall remodelling in PGIP overexpressing lines of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Paper presented at the 4th International Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 28-30 July, Cape Town, South Africa.

Nguema-Ona, E E, Moore, J P and Vivier, M A. 2010. Cell walls and plant defence: Using microscopical and analytical techniques to elucidate resistance phenotypes. Paper presented at the Cape Biotechnology Forum. 24-26 March, Somerset West, South Africa.

Vivier, M A and Young, P R. 2011. GMO grapevines: excellent study models and promising (future) products. Paper presented at the 2nd International Society of Horticulture Science Genetically Modified Organism in Horticulture: GMO 2011.11-15 September, Nelspruit, South Africa.

Barkhuizen, H, De Beer, M, Rautenbach, M and Vivier, M A. 2013. Mode of action studies of defensin peptides from native South African Brassicaceae species. Paper presented at the 19th Conference of the South African Society for Microbiology. 24-27 November 2013, Warmbaths, South Africa.

De Beer, A, Vivier, M A. 2008. Vv-AMP1, a ripening induced peptide from Vitis vinifera show strong antifungal activity, BMC Plant Biology, v. 8 (p. 75)

Moore, J P, Divol, B, Young, P R, Nieuwoudt, H H, Ramburan, V, Du Toit, M, Bauer, F F, Vivier, M A. 2008. Wine biotechnology in South Africa: Towards a systems approach to wine science, Biotechnology Journal, v. 3 (11) (p. 1355-1367)

Alexandersson, E O, Becker, J v W, Jacobson, D, Nguema-Ona, E, Steyn, C, Denby, K J, Vivier, M A. 2011. Constitutive expression of a grapevine polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein affects gene expression and cell wall properties in uninfected tobacco, BMC Research Notes, v. 4 (p. 493)

De Beer, A, Vivier, M A. 2011. Four plant defensins from an indigenous South African Brassicaceae species display divergent activities against two test pathogens despite high sequence similarity in the encoding genes, BMC Research Notes, v. 4 (p. 459)

Nguema-Ona, E, Moore, J P, Fagerstrom, A, Willats, W G T, Hugo, A, Vivier, M A. 2012. Profiling the main cell wall polysaccharides of tobacco leaves using high-throughput and fractionation techniques, Carbohydrate Polymers, Mnth Apr v. 88 (3) (p. 939-949)

Joubert, D A, De Lorenzo, G, Vivier, M A. 2013. Regulation of the grapevine polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein encoding gene: expression pattern, induction profile and promoter analysis, Journal of Plant Research, v. 126 (2) (p. 267-281)

Nguema Ona, E, Moore, J P, Fagerstrom, A, Fangel, J U, Willats, W G T, Hugo, A, Vivier, M A. 2013. Overexpression of the grapevine PGIP1 in tobacco results in compositional changes in the leaf arabinoxyloglucan network in the absence of fungal infection, MC Plant Biology, v. 13 (p. 46)
http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/13/46 10.1186/1471-2229-13-46

Bauer, F F, Naes, K, Esbensen, P J, Young, P R, Du Toit, M, Vivier, M A. 2007. Functional wine-omics, IN: Williams, P J (ed). Proceedings of the 13th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference. 28 July – 2 August 2007. Adelaide, Australia. (p. 178-183) Australian Wine Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia.


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