Project Number
WW 21-10
Project title
Transfering of plant protection technology to the wine grape industry
Project leader
Carstens, R
Project description
The quick and effective transfer and marketing of technology originating from research plays a pivotal role in the implementation of this technology on producer level. The aim of this project is the transfer of plant protection technology to the client in an effective and organised way utilising an array of mediums. Information from a number of research projects was integrated in order to add to the value of these projects and to package the information in such a way as to supply the producer with technology that can be implemented in a practical manner on farm level.
Brand, A P and Klaasen, J A. 2003. Evaluation of sanitizers for use on packhouse and coldstore hard surfaces. 21st Congress of the South African Society for Agricultural Technologists.
Fourie, P H and Vermeulen, A K. 2003. Fungicide resistance in downy mildew populations in Western Cape vineyards. 27th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 5-7 November, Somerset West, South Africa.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H and Crous, P W. 2004. Control of black foot disease in grapevine nurseries. 42nd Southern African Society for Plant Pathology Congress.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H and Crous, P W. 2004. Control of black foot disease in grapevine nurseries. 3rd Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium. Australia.
Safodien, S, Rends, M, Halleen, F, Crous, P W, Botha, A and Smit, W A. 2004. Development of a PCR-based assay for the identification of Eutypa lata from grapevines. 42nd Southern African Society for Plant Pathology Congress, 21 January, Winterton, South Africa.
Vries, F A, Klaasen, J A and Johnson, Q. 2004. Evaluation of the performance of antagonistic micro-organisms in combining with natural actives for the control of post harvest decay of apples. South African Society for Plant Pathology Congress, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H, Van Niekerk, J M, Crous, P W and Groenewald, J Z. 2005. Characterisation and pathogenicity of Botrysophaeria species occurring on grapevines. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F, Crous, P W, Groenewald, J Z and Schroers, H J. 2005. Fungi associated with black foot diseases in South African vineyards and nurseries. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch. South Africa.
Halleen, F, Mostert, L and Crous, P W. 2005. Pathogenicity testing of Phialophora, Phialophora-like Phaeoacremonium and Acremonium species isolated from vascular tissues of grapevine. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H, Van Niekerk, J M, Crous, P W, Groenewald, J Z and Farr, D F. 2005. Phomopsis spp. on grapevines: characterisation and pathogenicity. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H and Crous, P W. 2005. Proactive management of black foot disease in South African grapevine nurseries. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F and Fourie, P H. 2005. Protection of grapevine pruning wound against fungal infections. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F, Van Niekerk, J M, Fourie, P H, Groenewald, J Z and Crous, P W. 2005. Characterisation and pathogenicity of Botrysophaeria species occuring on grapevines. Joint Congress of the South African Society for Plant Pathology, African Mycological Association and Medical Mycology in Africa, 23-26 January, Mossel Bay, South Africa.
Safodien, S, Halleen, F, Crous, P W, Botha, A and Smit, W A. 2005. Detection of Eutypa lata from grapevines by reverse dot blot hybridisation. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Safodien, S, Halleen, F, Crous, P W, Botha, A and Smit, W A. 2005. Detection of Eutypa lata from grapevines by reverse dot blot hybridisation. Joint Congress of theSouth African Society for Plant Pathology, African Mycological Association and Medical Mycology in Africa, 23-26 January, Mossel Bay. South Africa.
Carstens, R. 2001. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. Virus Workshop, July, Barrydale.
Carstens, R. 2001. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. Virus workshop, July, Worcester.
Carstens, R. 2001. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. Virus workshop, July, Robertson.
Carstens, R. 2001. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. Virus workshop, July, Paarl.
Carstens, R. 2001. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. Virus workshop, July, Stellenbosch.
Carstens, R. 2001. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. Virus workshop, July, Vredendal.
Carstens, R. 2001. Leafroll overview. Worcester.
Carstens, R. 2001. Leafroll overview. Paarl.
Halleen, F and Fourie, P H. 2003. Fungi associated with pruning wound infections and control thereof. 27th National Congress of South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 5-7 November, Somerset West, South Africa.
Van Niekerk, J M, Crous, P W, Groenewald, J Z, Fourie, P H and Halleen, F. 2003. Reassessment of Phomopsis species occurring on grapevines. 27th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 5-7 November, Somerset West, South Africa.
Halleen, F and Fourie, P H. 2003. Nursery strategies for the proactive management of decline and dieback: research progress. 27th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 5-7 November, Somerset West.
Carstens, R. 2003. Die effek van virusse op druif- en wynkwaliteit en faktore verantwoordelik vir virus herinfeksie. University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. Stellenbosch. South Africa.
Carstens, R. 2003. Virus Research Programme. VinPro Information Day, Malmesbury.
Carstens, R. 2003. Vlamsiekte: effek op wingerd en beheer. Modular course in table grape cultivation, De Doorns.
Carstens, R. 2003. Virusinfeksie by tafeldruiwe:probleme wat verwag kan word. South African Society for Enology and Viticulture Table and Drying Grape Short Course.
Halleen, F. 2003. Siektes geassosieer met snoei. VinPro Information Day, Malmesbury.
Halleen, F. 2003. Voorkoms, simptome en beheer van die wingerdsiektes: witroes, tandpyn, streepvlek, swartvoet en black goo. Modular course in table grape cultivation.
Vermeulen, A K. 2003. Grapevine disease – downy mildew, Botrytis, anthracnose, Phomopsis, Phytophthora and Pythium. Modular Course in Table Grape Cultivation.
Carstens, R. 2003. Gevare verbonde aan die oorwerk van kultivars. Radio Sonder Grense.
Carstens, R. 2003. Rolblaar by wingerd. Radio Sonder Grense.
Halleen, F. 2003. Tandpyn in wingerd. Radio Sonder Grense.
Vermeulen, A K. 2004. Na-oes bespuiting teen wingerdsiektes. Radio Sonder Grense.
Carstens, R. 2004. Research of the Disease Management Division. Visitors to Switzerland.
Halleen, F and Fourie, P H. 2004. Grapevine trunk disease in South Africa. Grapevine Disease Seminar. Coonawarra Grapegrowers Association, Australia.
Allsopp, E, Tromp, A and Van Schoor, L. 2004. Integrated Production of Wine and Sans 64. The quality management systems of the South African wine industry. 7th International Symposium on Innovations in Enology. Intervitis-Interfructa, 10 May, Stuttgart, Germany.
Halleen, F and Fourie, P H. 2004. Proactive management of grapevine trunk diseases in nurseries: an integrated approach. 42nd Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology. 18-21 January, Winterton, South Africa.
Van Niekerk, J M, Crous, P W, Groenewald, J Z, Fourie, P H and Halleen, F. 2004. Identification and characterisation of Phomopsis species occurring on grapevines. 42nd Congress of the South African Society for Plant Pathology. 18-21 January, Winterton, South Africa.
Carey, V A and Vermeulen, A K. 2004. The implications of terroir for development of Botrytis cinerea into grey rot or noble rot on grapes of Vitis vinifera Chenin Blanc. 24th World Vine and Wine Congress, 4-9 July, Vienna, Austria.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H and Crous, P W. 2005. Black foot disease in South African vineyards and grapevine nurseries. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch. South Africa.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H and Crous, P W. 2005. Black foot disease in South African vineyards and grapevine nurseries. Joint Congress of the South African Society for Plant Pathology, African Mycological Association and Medical Mycology in Africa, 23-26 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Fourie, P H and Halleen, F. 2005. Integrated strategies for pro-active management of grapevine trunk diseases in nurseries. 4th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 20-21 January, Stellenbosch. South Africa.
Carstens, R. 1999. Shiraz siekte simptome en beheer, Wynboer, Mnth Mar (p. T8-10)
Carstens, R. 1999. Vordering met virus navorsing op wingerd, Wynboer, Mnth Jul (p. 54-56)
Ferreira, J H S, Van Wyk, P H S, Calitz, F J. 1999. Slow dieback of grapevine in South Africa: stress related predisposition of young vines for infection by Phaeoacremonium chlamydosporum, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, v. 20 (2) (p. 43-46)
Ferreira, J H S. 1999. Tandpyn by wingerd, Wynboer, Mnth Aug (p. 44-47)
Ueckermann, P, Hugo, H. 1999. The importance of soil and bud analysis for vineyard and orchard pests in integrated pest management, Wynboer, Mnth Oct (p. T4)
Carey, V A, Vermeulen, A K. 2000. Botrytis cinerea: Is it a friend or a foe for the South African wine industry? WineLand, Mnth Mar (p. 95-96)
Fourie, P H, Vermeulen, A K. 2000. Donsige skimmel: ‘n sporadiese, dog vernietigende siekte van wingerd, Wynboer, Mnth Sep (p. 105-108)
Mellet, J, Vermeulen, A K. 2000. Evaluering van nuwe swamdoders op wingerde deur LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij: ‘n noodsaaklike diens aan die bedryf, WineLand, Mnth Aug (p. 92-93)
Halleen, F, Holz, G. 2001. A South African perspective of powdery mildew of grapes, Decidious Fruit Grower, v. 51 (3) (p. 15-17)
Halleen, F, Holz, G. 2001. An overview of the biology, epidemiology and control of Uncinula necator (Powdery mildew) on grapevines, with reference to South Africa, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, v. 22 (2) (p. 111-121)
Halleen, F, Holz, G. 2001. ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief van poeieragtige meeldou van druiwe, WineLand, Mnth Jul (p. 117-120)
Trautmann, I, Carstens, R. 2001. Rolblaar navorsing in Suid-Afrika: indrukke van Franse kenner, WineLand, Mnth Aug (p. 107-110)
Fourie, P H, Halleen, F. 2002. Investigation on the occurrence of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora in canes of rootstock mother vines, Australasian Plant Pathology, v. 31 (4) (p. 425-426)
Fourie, P H, Vermeulen, A K. 2002. Na betragting van 2001 – 2002 donsige skimmel epidemie, WineLand, Mnth Sep (p. 97-101)
Van Niekerk, J M, Crous, P W, Fourie, P H, Groenewald, E, Halleen, F. 2002. Botryosphaeria canker and dieback of grapevines, WineLand, Mnth Sep (p. 111-115)
Van Schoor, L H, Groenewald, M. 2002. Voedselveiligheid in die wynbedryf: Voordele van die HACCP stelsel, WineLand, Mnth Feb (p. 84-85)
Fourie, P H, Holz, G. 2003. Fitness on grape berries of Botrytis cinerea isolates belonging to different dicarboximide sensitivity classes on grape berries, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, v. 24 (1) (p. 1-10)
Halleen, F, Crous, P W, Petrini, O. 2003. Fungi associated with healthy grapevine cuttings is nurseries, with special reference to the decline of young vines, Australasian Plant Pathology, v. 32 (1) (p. 47-2)