Project Number
WW 06-37
Project title
The epidemiology and etiology of fungi associated with Esca disease of grapevine
Project leader
Halleen, F
Team members
Halleen, F
Mostert, L
Fischer, M
Shubane, A
Vermeulen, C
Project description
Esca is ‘n wingerdsiekte wat bestaan uit ‘n kompleks van patogene, naamlik Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Pheaoacremonium spp. en Basidiomycete swamme (houtverrottingswamme) (Mugnai et al., 1999). Voorheen is aanvaar dat Stereum hirsitum en Phellinus igniarius die veroorsakende organismes in Suid-Afrikaanse wingerde is (Marais, 1981), alhoewel geen navorsing ooit in hierdie verband uitgevoer is nie. Aangesien die blaarsimptome relatief skaars is in plaaslike wingerde, is die aanname ook verkeerdelik gemaak dat esca nie baie algemeen voorkom nie. Verskillende houtverrottingswamme skei verskillende toksiene af en gevolglik kan dit blaarsimptome beïnvloed (Sparapano et al., 2000; Tabacchi et al., 2000). Daarom is dit belangrik dat die kombinasie van swamme in die esca-kompleks ondersoek word. Houtverrottingswamme kan produksie geweldig beïnvloed en kan die leeftyd van ‘n wingerd drasties verkort. Dit het ook ‘n direkte invloed op die kwaliteit van wyn wat gemaak word van ge-affekteerde stokke. Kennis van die veroorsakende organismes en hul infeksieweg sal direk daartoe bydra dat oordeelkundige beheerstrategië geïmplementeer kan word.
White, C, Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2008. The occurrence and distribution of Esca on grapevines of South Africa. Poster. 6th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. 1-3 September, Florence, Italy.
White, C, Halleen, F, Fischer, M and Mostert, L. 2010. Esca disease, a threat to the longevity of grapevines. Poster. 4th International Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 28-30 July, Cape Town, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2012. A novel Fomitiporia sp. associated with esca on grapevine in South Africa vineyards. Poster. 8th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. 18-21 June, Valencia, Spain.
Cloete, M, Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2013. Industrial x-ray computed tomography as an aid to the study of wood rot symptoms associated with esca disease in grapevines. Poster. 48th Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology. 20-24 January, Bela-Bela, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2008. Characterisation of fungi associated with esca of grapevines in South Africa. Lecture. Friday Forum, University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. 4 April, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2008. Occurrence of Esca disease in South African grapevines. Paper presented at the 31st National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 11-14 November, Somerset West, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2009. Characterization of fungi associated with esca of grapevine in South Africa. Paper presented at the 46th Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology. 25-28 January, Gordon’s Bay, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2009. Characterization of fungi associated with esca of grapevines in South Africa. Lecture. Friday Forum, University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. 17 April, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F. 2009. Wood rotting fungi. Presentation at the Terason Grapevine Training Course. 12 June, Wellington, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F, Fischer, M and Mostert, L. 2009. Esca disease, a threat to the longevity of grapevines. Paper presented at the 4th International Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 28-30 July, Cape Town, South Africa.
Halleen, F. 2009. Esca, Petri and black foot diseases of grapevine. Lecture. University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. 21 August, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
White, C, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2009. Secondary metabolite and enzyme characterization of the basidiomycetes involved in esca. Lecture. Friday Forum, University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. 9 September, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F. 2009. Grapevine trunk disease research. Presentation to ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. Stellenbosch, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F, Fischer, M and Mostert, L. 2010. Basidiomycetes and other fungi associated with esca diseased grapevines in South Africa. Paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. 17-21 January, Santa Crux, Chile.
Halleen, F. 2010. Esca: Research approach at ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. Lecture. Universidad de Chile. 28 January, Santiago, Chile.
Halleen, F, Fourie, P H, Mostert, L, McLeod, A, Van Niekerk, J M, Spies, C, Kotze, C, Mutawila, C and White, C. 2010. VinPro Information Day. 4-6 and 11-12 May, Vredendal, Malmesbury, Worcester, Robertson and Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F and Mostert, L. 2010. Grapevine disease and viticulture in South Africa. Presentation to the Julius-Kuhn-Institute. 17 August, Geilweilerhof, Germany.
Halleen, F. 2011. Field demonstration of grapevine trunk diseases. Lecture. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Plant Pathology. 15 March, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2010. Secondary metabolites associated with esca basidiomycetes: The 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde dilemma. Lecture. Friday Forum, University of Stellenbosch, Department of Plant Pathology. 20 April, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2011. A novel Fomitiporia sp. associated with esca on grapevines in the Western Cape. Lecture. Friday Forum. 23 September, University of Stellenbosch, Department of Plant Pathology, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2012. Basidiomycetes associated with esca in South Africa. Paper presented at the 8th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. 18-21 June, Valencia, Spain.
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2012. A novel Fomitiporia sp. associated with esca on grapevine in South Africa vineyards. Paper presented at the 8th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. 18-21 June, Valencia, Spain.
Halleen, F. 2012. Epidemiology and etiology of esca on grapevines in South Africa. THRIP audit. 28 August, ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F. 2012. Grapevine trunk disease research. Presentation at the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij Information Day. 26 July, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Fisher, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2012. A novel Fomitiporia sp. associated with esca in South African vineyards. Southern African Society for Plant Pathology. PhD Research Presentation Day. 17 July, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2012. Progress made on the identification and biology of basidiomycete fungi associated with esca in South African vineyards. Paper presented at the 34th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 14-16 November, Somerset West, South Africa.
Halleen, F. 2013. Grapevine trunk diseases: a South African perspective. Presentation to the Instituto Federal. 28 October, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Cloete, M. 2013. A novel Phomitiporella sp. associated with esca in the Western Cape. Lecture. University of Stellenbosch, Department of Plant Pathology, 27 September, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Halleen, F. 2013. Most important grapevine trunk disease pathogens in South Africa. VinPro and Winetech Information Day. 6-13 August and 4 September. South Africa.
Cloete, M. 2013. Pathogenicity studies on several South African Hymenochaetales associated with esca on grapevines. Lecture. University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. 31 Nat, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M. 2014. Diversity of basidiomycetes associated with esca disease of grapevines in South Africa. Lecture. University of Stellenbosch. Department of Plant Pathology. 25 April, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Bester, M, Cloete, M, Mostert, L and Halleen. 2014. A PCR detection system for the discrimination between basidiomycetous isolates (Hymenochataetales) associated with grapevine trunk disease. Paper presented at the 10th International Mycological Congress. 3-8 August 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2014. Diversity in basidiomycetes associated with esca disease of grapevine in South Africa. Paper presented at the 20th AETFAT Congress. 13-17 January, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Cloete, M, Bester, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L and Halleen, F. 2014. Determining the pathogenicity of basidiomycetes causing white rot associated with esca on mature grapevines. Paper presented at the 36th South African Society for Enology and Viticulture Conference. 12-14 November, Somerset West, South Africa.
White, C, Halleen, F, Fischer, M, Mostert, L. 2011. The symptoms and fungi associated with esca in South African vineyards, Phytopathologia Mediterranea, Mnth 50 (p. 236-246)
White, C, Halleen, F, Fischer, M, Mostert, L. 2011. Characterisation of the fungi associated with esca diseased grapevines in South Africa, Phytopathologia Mediterranea, v. 90 (p. 204-223)
Cloete, M, Fischer, M, Mostert, L, Halleen, F. 2013. A novel Fomitiporia species associated with esca on grapevine in South Africa, Mycological Progress, v. 13 (p. 303-311)
DOI: 10.1007/s11557-013-0915-5