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Quantificaiton of the effects of different terroirs on wine quality in the Overberg region

by | Oct 28, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number
WW 13-16

Project title
Quantificaiton of the effects of different terroirs on wine quality in the Overberg region

Project leader
Shange, P

Team members
Shange, P
Conradie, W J

Project description
The climate of the Overberg region is favourable for the production of quality wine, it has been identified as a high quality area in Vision 2020. In spite of little scientific information being available, grapevines are being planted at an increasing scale in this new area. Large variations in mesoclimate occur within the region, while soil type can also differ drastically. The extent up to which wine style will be affected by soil form, under identical climatic conditions, has not yet been investigated for the Overberg region. Furthermore, it is expected that ‘identical’ soils will also lead to different wine styles, under different climatic conditions. In general, it appears as if Sauvignon blanc is well adapted to the Overberg region. Some localities may be too cold for Cabernet Sauvignon, but Merlot appears to be doing well at most sites. The main objective of the current study is to determine the effects of soil and climate on wine quality (Sauvignon blanc and Merlot), at a few selected localities. This will help to create more reliable guidelines during the establishment of new plantings, expected within the near future in this region. Results will be linked with comparable data already obtained in other areas (Stellenbosch, Durbanville, and Robertson).

Olivier, P 2010. Quantification of the effect of climate and soil on wine style and or wine quality in the Overberg area. Paper presented at the Combined Congress. 10 January, Pretoria, South Africa.

Shange, P. 2011. Effect of climate and soil on wine style and or quality in the Overberg region, South Africa. Paper presented at the Eco Cycles Congress. 6 June, Hungary.


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