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Maintenance and application of the BFAP wine models in the wine industry

Oct 26, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number

Project title
Maintenance and application of the BFAP wine models in the wine industry

Project leader
Lombard, J P

University of Stellenbosch

Team members
Jansen Van Vuuren, B G
Lombard, J P
Reynolds, S
Strauss, P G
Traub, L
Vink, N

Project description
The WINETECH project, WEIN I, in the development of a sector and farm level model for the wine industry of South Africa was completed by July 2007. The models should be utilized in quantitative analyses of, and in evaluating scenarios for the wine industry on various levels and by different role players. There will be a need for the maintenance of the models in terms of updating the input data and model equations. The models also need to be continuously refined and improved by including new linkages and other possible variables.

The project aims are: Continuous maintenance of the models by updating the input data and model equations. Continuous refinement and improvement of the models as new developments locally and internationally take place. For example, once the European wine sector model has been completed, appropriate linkages to the South African wine sector model should be investigated. Applying the models at various levels in the wine industry (individuals and groups of interested decision makers). Applying the models to fit the information needs of various role players in the wine industry (farmers, other role players in the supply chain, organisations).

Lombard, J P. 2008. Modelling the projected performance of wine grape farms in South Africa. Paper presented at the 83rd Western Economics Association Conference. 29 June – 3 July 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Lombard, J P and Reynolds, R. 2009. National and region specific analysis and projections for wine grapes and wine. Presentation at the VinPro Information Day. South Africa.

2008. Analysing possible future scenarios: introducing a tool for strategic decision making, Wynboer Technical Yearbook. (p. 21-23)

Reynolds, S, Lombard, J P. 2008. Analysing possible future scenarios: introducing a tool for strategic decision making, WineLand, Mnth Mar

No Final Report

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