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Control of Nematodes in Irrigation Water

by | Oct 25, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number

Project Title
Control of nematodes in irrigation water

Project Leader
Hugo, H J

Project Description
VinPro identified nematodes in irrigation water as a problem. Rivers and irrigation water are important sources of nematode distribution, as has been shown by surveys along the Berg and Breede rivers.

Irrigating directly from such infested sources poses a serious nematode threat to vineyards and nurseries. Xiphinema index, the vector of grapevine fanleaf virus is continuing to spread to new vine growing areas. One of the possible causes of this spread is infested irrigation water.

This project entails a thorough survey of the literature since 1992 to update our knowledge on the latest developments in controlling nematodes in irrigation water, such as ozone and UV light treatments. Depending on the information gained from the literature, proposals for the testing of control techniques will be made.

Hugo, H J and Malan, A P. 2007. Nematodes in irrigation water: What do we know? Paper presented at the 18th Symposium of NSSA. 6-9 May 2007, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.


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