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Authenticity of South African wines

Oct 28, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number
WW 08-26

Project title
Authenticity of South African wines

Project leader
Van Jaarsveld, F P

Project description
Die doel van hierdie projek is om databasisse te skep waarmee bewys kan word dat vreemde etanol, suiker of buitelandse wyn nie by die plaaslike produk gevoeg is nie (2H/1H en 13C/12C verhoudings) en dat water nie by wyn gevoeg is nie (18O/16O verhoudings). Daar sal ook gekyk word na die moontlikheid om gebiedsegtheid analities te omskryf (2H/1H, 13C/12C, 18O/16O verhoudings). Verskeie kelders en landgoedere wat al die wynboustreke en distrikte in Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig, is genader vir samewerking met die verskaffing van wynmonsters. Besproeiings- en kelderwatermonsters, verteenwoordigend van die verskillende wynboustreke en distrikte, is ook versamel (besproeiings- en kelderwater word gebruik vir verwysingsdoeleindes wanneer die water in die wyn ontleed word). Moontlike samewerking met IGKW is reeds ondersoek, maar IGKW is slegs vertroud met ontleding van water, en nie wynmonsters nie (alkohol ekstraksie sal eers gedoen moet word) en die afdeling wat suurstof-isotoop ontledings doen, is nog nie geakkrediteer ten opsigte van hierdie spesifieke analises nie.

Data is onderwerp aan enkel- sowel as multi-komponent statistiese analises. Duidelike onderskeid kon getref word tussen wyne van die twee hoof geografiese eenhede (Wes-Kaap en Noord-Kaap). Streeks- en distriks oorsprongs verskille tussen wyne was egter minder prominent en wyne kon nie suksesvol aan ‘n spesifieke streek of distrik toegeken word nie. Internasionaal word, addisioneel tot isotope, ook van ander analitiese parameters soos biogeniese amine, anorganiese parameters (as, alkaliniteit, kalsium, natrium, kalium, magnesium), skaars aard- en ander elemente en klassieke parameters (suiker, suur, organiese sure, vlugtige komponente, suikers, fosfate, sulfate, ens.) gebruik gemaak om die oorsprong van wyne te bepaal en dus die geografiese gebieds-, asook botaniese egtheid van wyne fyner te trek. Rooi- en witwyn kultivarverskille was onbeduidend klein en geen betekenisvolle isotopiese fraksioneringsverskille kon waargeneem word nie.

Van Jaarsveld, F P. 2002. Improving competitiveness and global market share by ensuring the authenticity of South African alcoholic beverages. Paper presented at the Beverage Industry Symposium. 14-15 October, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Van Jaarsveld, F P. 2003. Authenticity of South African wines. Paper presented at the Winetech Terroir Program. 18 September, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Van Jaarsveld, F P. 2003. EU wine database project. Establishing a database for analytical parameters for wines from Third World countries (WINE DB) falling under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme. Presentation at the first round of samples, South Africa. Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. 22-23 May, Berlin, Germany.

Van Jaarsveld, F P. 2004. EU wine database project. Establishing a database for analytical parameters for wines from Third World countries (WINE DB) falling under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme. Presentation at the second round of samples, South Africa. 13-14 May, Romania.

Van Jaarsveld, F P. 2005. EU wine database project. Establishing a database for analytical parameters for wines from Third World countries (WINE DB) falling under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme. Presentation at the second round of samples, South Africa. 3-4 November, Iasi, Romania.

Van Jaarsveld, F P, Versini, G and Augustyn, O P H. 2006. Authenticity of South African wines. Paper presented at the 29th National Congress of the South African Society for Viticulture and Enology. 14-17 November, Somerset West, South Africa.

Van Jaarsveld, F P. 2006. Authenticity of South African wines. Presentation at the Winetech Terroir Program. 22 May, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Romisch, U, Jäger, H, Capron, X, Lanteri, S, Forina, M, Smeyers-Verbeke, J. 2009. Characterisation and determination of the geographical origin of wines. Part III: multivariate discrimination and classification methods, European Journal of Food Research and Technology, v. 230 (p. 31-45)

Schlesier, K, Fauhl-Hassek, C, Forina, M, Cotea, V, Kocsi, E, Schoula, R, Van Jaarsveld, F, Wittkowski, R. 2009. Characterisation and determination of the geographical origin of wines. Part I: Overview, European Journal of Food Research and Technology, v. 230 (p. 1-13)

Smeyers-Verbeke, J, Jäger, H, Lanteri, S, Brereton, P, Jamin, E, Fauhl-Hassek, C, Forina, M, Romisch, U. 2009. Characterisation and determination of the geographical origin of wines. Part II. Descriptive and inductive univariable statistics, European Journal of Food Research and Technology, v. 230 (p. 15-29)

Coetzee, P P, Van Jaarsveld, F, Vanhaecke, F. 2014. Intraregional classification of wine via ICP-MS elemental fingerprinting, Food Chemistry, v. 164 (p. 485-492)


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