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Atmospheric modelling with application for the zoning of viticultural regions

by | Oct 25, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number
GW 50-31

Project title
Atmospheric modelling with application for the zoning of viticultural regions

Project leader
Engelbrecht, C

Institute for Soil, Climate and Water

Project description
A mesoscale atmospheric modelling system (RAMS) is being used to identify locations according to their potentiality of meeting the climatic requirements for optimum physiological performance of the vine. The climate of the Stellenbosch region is the first one to be assessed.

Numerical simulations were performed with the RAMS atmospheric modelling system and 4 nested grids (resolution of 25 km, 5 km, 1 km and 200 m). Altitude, soil and vegetation data for each grid were extracted from the ARC-ISCW GIS databank. Numerical simulations (18 days during February 2000) were performed at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique in France (foreign visit from 23 June to 12 July 2003). Horizontal and vertical cross-sections for temperature, relative humidity and wind were plotted for different times of the day and for specific days of climatic interest. Modelled hourly data were extracted from the analysis files into ASCI files in order to produce mean hourly fields for the 16-day period (temperature, relative humidity; wind speed and radiation). Differences between modelled and observed data were minor.

Daily weather bulletins were used to classify the synoptic weather situations over the Western Cape. Four growing seasons (1999-2000 to 2002-2003) were examined and classified in order to assess the frequency of the types of weather for each month of the growing season and to select days of climatic interest to model in the future.

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O, Du Preez, C and Carey, V A. 2001. Modelisation atmospherique meso-echelle: un outil pour l’identification des terroirs viticoles en Afrique du Sud. International Association for Climatology Congress. Seville, Spain.

Bonnardot, V M F. Weather classification over the Western Cape (February, 1996 – 2000) and viticultural implications in the Stellenbosch wine district. 2004. Joint International Conference on Viticultural Zoning. 15-19 November, South Africa

Bonnardot, V M F. 2004. CCAM vs RAMS: A comparison to weigh the pros and cons of each model. South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences Conference. 4-6 October, Bloemfontein, South Africa

Bonnardot, V M F. 2008. Generating high resolution climate parameter maps for viticultural applications. Combined Congress. 21-24 January 2008, Grahamstown, South Africa.

Bonnardot, V M F and De Villiers, F S. 1997. Sea breeze in the Stellenbosch and Klein Drakenstein wine producing districts. Paper presented at the 22nd National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. November, Somerset West, South Africa.

De Villiers, F S. 1997. The use of a geographic information system (GIS) in the selection of wine cultivars for the specific areas by using temperature climatic models. Paper presented at the 22nd World Congress of Vine and Wine and the General Assembly of the OIV, Buenos Aires, Argentinia.

De Villiers, F S. 1997. Terreinkeuse: Druifproduksie met spesifieke wyndoelwit. South African Society for Enology and Viticulture Short Course, 4 September, Parow, South Africa.

Bonnardot, V M F, Carey, V A and Schmidt, A. 1999. The effect of meso-climate on Sauvignon blanc aroma profiles in the Stellenbosch wine growing area (1996 – 1999). Paper presented at the 24th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 18-19 November, Somerset West, South Africa

Carey, V A. 1999. The spatial characterisation of viticultural terrains in the Bottelary and Helderberg wine growing areas. Paper presented at the 24th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 18-19 November, Somerset West, South Africa

Schmidt, A, Bonnardot, V M F and Carey, V A. 1999. The influence of terrain selection on Cabernet Sauvignon. Paper presented at 24th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 18-19 November, Somerset West, South Africa

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O and Carey, V A. 2000. Sea breeze numerical simulations in the Stellenbosch wine growing area. Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 8-10 November, Cape Town, South Africa.

Carey, V A. 2000. The delimitation of macro-climatic regions in the Western Cape with the aid of a geographic information system and the determination of their potential for various cultivars. Presentation to the Office International de la Vigne et du Vin. Expert Group – Vitivinicultural Zoning.

Carey, V A and Bonnardot, V M F. 2000. Spatial characterisation of terrain units in the Bottelary, Simonsberg and Helderberg wine growing areas in South Africa. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Viticultural Zoning. May 2000, Tenerife, Spain

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O, Du Preez, C and Carey, V A. 2001. Identification of climatic limits and coolest areas resulting from the sea breeze effect in the Stellenbosch and Helderberg winegrowing areas. Paper presented at the 26th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 13-15 November, Somerset West, South Africa.

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O and Carey, V A. 2001. Sea breeze numerical simulation in the Western Cape: A means to identify wine growing areas affected by cool temperatures, high humidity and strong winds. Paper presented at the 25th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 15-16 November, Cape Town, South Africa

Carey, V A. 2001. The terroir effect in red wine production. Presentation at the Strategic Focus on South African Red Wine Workshop, Somerset West, South Africa.

Carey, V A. 2001. The terroir effect in red wine production. Presentation at the Strategic Focus on South African Red Wine Workshop. Somerset West, South Africa

Carey, V A, Archer, E and Saayman, D. 2001. Spatial characterisation of natural terroir units for viticulture in the Bottelary, Simonsberg and Helderberg wine growing areas. Paper presented at the 25th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, Somerset West.

Bonnardot, V M F, Dyson, L, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O, Du Preez, C and Carey, V A. 2001. Numerical simulations of a sea breeze in the Stellenbosch area. Paper presented at the South African Society for Atmospheric Science Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O, Du Preez, C and Carey, V A. 2001. Sea breeze numerical simulations at a 200 m grid resolution in the Stellenbosch and Helderberg wine growing areas. Paper presented at the 25th National Congress for the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 15-16 November, Somerset West, South Africa.

Carey, V A, Bonnardot, V M F, Schmidt, A and Theron, J C D. 2001. The interaction between vintage, vineyard site (mesoclimate) and wine aroma of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Sauvignon blanc, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon in the Stellenbosch and Klein Drakenstein wine growing areas, South Africa (1996 – 2000). Paper presented at the 26th World Congress of the Vine and Wine and the General Assembly of the OIV. 11-17 October 2001, Adelaide, Australia

Carey, V A. 2002. Cultivar X environment interaction: Example of Cabernet Sauvignon in the Stellenbosch and Drakenstein wine growing areas, South Africa. Paper presentation to the OIV Group d’Experts: Zonage Vitivinicole, March, Paris, France.

Carey, V A, Archer, E and Saayman, D. 2002. Identification of natural terroir units for viticulture, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium Viticultural Zoning. June, Avignon, France

Carey, V A and Bonnardot, V M F. 2002. A viticultural perspective of mesoscale atmospheric modelling in the Bottelary, Simonsberg and Helderberg wine growing areas (South Africa). Paper presented at the 27th World Congress of Vine and Wine and the General Assembly of the OIV. 24-28 June 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia

Bonnardot, V M F. 2002. The sea breeze: A significant climatic factor for viticultural zoning in coastal wine growing areas. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Viticultural Zoning. 17-20 June 2002, Avignon, France

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Planchon, O, Du Preez, C and Carey, V A. 2002. Atmospheric modelling: A tool to assess the sea breeze effect in the south Western Cape wine growing area. Paper presented at the 27th World Congress of Vine and Wine and the General Assembly of the OIV. 24-28 June 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia

Hunter, J J and Bonnardot, V M F. 2002. Climate requirements for optimal physiological processes: a factor in viticulture zoning. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium Viticulture Zoning. 17-20 June, Avignon, France.

Rowswell, D I and Strydom, J J. 2003. Management and control of fungal diseases in vineyards using automatic weather station networks. South African Society for Atmospheric Science Congress. October, Pretoria, South Africa

Bonnardot, V M F. 2004. Atmospheric modelling and application to viticulture: Preliminary results in the Stellenbosch region.

Bonnardot, V M F, Cautenet, S, Beukes, H and Hunter, J J. 2005. Atmospheric modelling: A tool to identify locations best suited for vine cultivation: Preliminary results in the Stellenbosch region. Joint International Conference on Viticultural Zoning. 15-19 November, South Africa.

Bonnardot, V M F, Planchon, O, Cautenet, S, Carey, V A. 2001. Sea breeze mechanisms and observations of its effects in the Stellenbosch wine producing area, WineLand, Mnth Oct (p. 107-113)

Bonnardot, V M F, Planchon, O, Carey, V A, Cautenet, S. 2002. Diurnal wine, relative humidity and temperature variation in the Stellenbosch Groot Drakenstein wine growing areas, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, v. 23 (2) (p. 62-71)

Bonnardot, V M F, Planchon, O, Cautenet, S. 2005. Sea breeze development under an offshore synoptic wind in the south Western Cape and implications for the Stellenbosch wine producing area, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, v. 81 (3-4) (p. 1434-1483)

Bonnardot, V M F, Planchon, O, Cautenet, S. 2005. Sea breeze development under an offshore synoptic wind in the south Western Cape and the implication for the Stellenbosch wine producing area, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, v. 81 (3/4) (p. 203-218)

Du Preez, C. 2007. A mesoscale investigation of the sea breeze in the Stellenbosch wine growing district. MSc. University of Pretoria, Stellenbosch.

Roux, B. 2009. Ultra high-resolution climate stimulations over the Stellenbosch wine producing region using a variable-resolution model. MSc. University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.


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