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An investigation into optimum yield and/or vigour balance of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz in the Stellenbosch wine growing area: crop load, vine vigour and ripeness level effects on grape and wine composition

by | Oct 28, 2020 | Uncategorized

Project Number
WW AS 01

Project title
An investigation into optimum yield and/or vigour balance of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz in the Stellenbosch wine growing area: crop load, vine vigour and ripeness level effects on grape and wine composition

Project leader
Strever, A E

University of Stellenbosch. Department of AgriSciences. Department of Viticulture and Oenology

Team members
Quixley, P C

Project description
The South African wine industry is currently faced with the challenge of finding ways to optimise vine performance in order to achieve larger yields, while still allowing vines to optimally ripen grapes in order to achieve optimum wine quality. A question often asked is how the optimum balance between vegetative growth (vigour) and reproductive performance (fruit yield and -composition) can be achieved, while also making the right decisions with regards to the ripeness level at which grapes are harvested.

The ultimate aim of this project is to evaluate the effects of manipulating the reproductive and vegetative balance of vines of differing vigour within vineyards, and to assess the subsequent effects on grape juice and wine composition. The effects of harvesting vines of differing vigour at different ripeness stages will also be considered, and a canopy management strategy for controlling excessive canopy shading on the higher vigour treatments will be evaluated.


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