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The effect to two cover crop management practices applied to cover crops, selected for their potential to bio-fumigate the soil, on the nematode and weed population, as well as grapevine performance and soil quality

Oct 27, 2020 | Viticulture

Project Number
WW 02-21

Project title
The effect to two cover crop management practices applied to cover crops, selected for their potential to bio-fumigate the soil, on the nematode and weed population, as well as grapevine performance and soil quality

Project leader
Fourie, J C

ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij

Team members
Mulidizi, A R
Fourie, J C
Du Plessis, K
Addison, P
Malan, A
Hugo, H
Maboeta, M
Halleen , F
Kruger, N
De Vos, R
Osche, C H

Completion date:


Project description

Alternatives for the chemical control of soil-borne pathogens (bio-fumigation). In this study the ability of species (selected for bio-fumigation) to control nematodes and weeds, as well as their effect on biological activity, soil pathogen status and microbial population of the soil was determined.

The soil was analysed chemically and the cover crop performance and weed control estimated. The soil nematode status and soil biological activity, as well as the microbial and pathogen status of the soil was determined. Grapevine performance was also monitored throughout the study.

Annual application of phosphate (P) lead to elevated levels in the 0-150 mm soil layer. Brassica juncea cv. Caliente199 (Caliente) and Eruca sativa cv. Nemat (Nemat) should be controlled chemically (CC) and not mechanically (MC) just before budbreak to maximize organic carbon (C). Avena sativa cv. Pallinup (oats), Sinapis alba cv. Braco (white mustard) and Brassica napus cv. AVJade (canola) increased the organic matter in the 150-300 mm soil layer.
The cover crops suppressed the winter growing weeds effectively after five seasons, with immediate control being achieved with oats and Caliente. Total suppression of Lolium species (ryegrass) was achieved with oats (CC) and Nemat (CC) after three years. A grass-spesific herbicide applied end of May 2012, terminated the dominance of ryegrass and facilitated the dominance of Erodium moschatum (musk heron’s bill). Sowing the cover crops on 23 May 2013, prevented ryegrass from regaining its dominance. After five winters, ryegrass was totally eradicated from the oats treatments, white mustard (CC) and Nemat (CC). CC improved the control of summer growing weeds. Musk heron’s bill was totally suppressed in all treatments during berry set within two seasons and ryegrass in all the CC treatments by 2011. This probably facilitated the dominance of Digitaria sanguinalis (crab fingergrass). Rynchelytrum repens (Natal red-top) lost its pre-treatment dominance during post-harvest within one season. The relatively low summer rainfall during 2010/11 resulted in the disappearance of Cynodon dactylon (common couch) and Polygonum aviculare (prostrate knotweed). The relatively high summer rainfall during the following seasons, probably allowed these two perennials to recover. MC seemed to promote crab fingergrass, common couch and prostrate knotweed during late summer. The bio-assay indicated that Nemat can help to suppress M. javanica, while canola caused a decline in the C. xenoplax population. During winter, the ring nematode increase observed Nemat, Caliente and oats was less than that of the weeds growing in this region. The most effective ring nematode suppression was achieved with canola (MC), white mustard (MC) and oats (CC). However, the drastic increase in the ring nematode population during summer and early autumn necessitate a follow-up treatment with a nematicide. The cover crops did not affect the pathogen status, biological activity and microbial status in the soil or grapevine performance. However, the shoot mass and grape yield was higher where CC was applied compared to MC.

Oats, canola, Nemat and Caliente 199 should be used in cover crop rotations and controlled chemically from bud break to suppress problem weeds and ring nematodes.


Du Toit, A, Slabbert, E, Jacobs, K, Fourie, J C and Du Plessis, K. 2012. The effect of cover crops, selected for their potential to bio-fumigate the soil managed according to two cover crop management practices on the occurrence of soil-borne pathogens in grapevine roots. Poster presented at the 34th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture, 14-16 November, Somerset West, South Africa

Kruger, N, Fourie, J C and Malan, A. 2011. The role of different cover crops in the suppression of plant parasitic nematodes in South African vineyards: Focus on bio-fumigation potential. Paper presented at the 20th Symposium of the Nematological Society of Southern Africa. 16-18 May, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Kruger, D, Fourie, J C and Malan, A. 2011. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant parasitic nematodes in vineyards. Paper presented at the 4th International Biofumigation and Biopesticides Symposium. 18-21 October, Saskatoon, Canada.

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Kruger, N, Fourie, J C and Malan, A P. 2012. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards. Paper presented at the 34th National Congress of the South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. 14-16 November, Somerset West, South Africa.

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Kruger, N, Fourie, J C and Malan, A P. 2013. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards. Presentation at the Winetech VinPro Information Day, Paarl, South Africa, 18 April

Kruger, N, Fourie, J C and Malan, A P. 2013. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards. Presentation at the Winetech VinPro Information Day, Malmesbury, South Africa, 8 May

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Kruger, N, Fourie, J C and Malan, A P. 2013. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards. Presentation at the Winetech VinPro Information Day, Vredendal, South Africa, Lutzville, 23 May

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2013. The biofumigation concept and preliminary results of MSc study: The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards. Presentation at the Vinpro Winetech Information Day. 8 May, Malmesbury, South Africa.

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Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2013. Cover crops with biofumigation properties for the suppression of plant parasitic nematodes: A review, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, v. 34 (2) (p. 287-295)

Kruger, D, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2014. Potensiaal van dekgewasse om plant parasitiese nematodes te onderdruk in wingerde, WineLand, Mnth Aug (p. 90-94)

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2014. An overview of the potential of cover crops to suppress plant-parasitic nematodes in grapevine, Wineland, Mnth August (p. 90-94)

Fourie, J C, Kruger, D H M, Malan, A P. 2015. Effect of management practices applied to cover crops with bio-fumigation properties on cover crop performance and weed control in a vineyard. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture. v. 36 (1) (p. 146-153)

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2015. The effect of cover crops and the management thereof on plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards, South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, v. 36 (2) (p. 195-209)

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C,, Malan, A P. 2015. Control potential of Brassicaceae cover crops as green manure and their host status for Meloidogyne javanica and Criconemoides xenoplax. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture. v. 36 (1) (p. 165-174)

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2015. Biofumigation potential of Brassicaceae as a green manure and their host status for root-knot and ring nematode under controlled conditions. Wineland. Mnth June (p. 77-80)

Fourie, J C, Kruger, D H M, Malan, A P. 2016. The performance of cover crops with biofumigation properties in a drip-irrigated vineyard near Stellenbosch, Wineland, Mnth February (p. 62-65)

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2011. The role of different cover crops in the suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes in South African vineyard: Focus on bio-fumigation potential, IN: 20th Symposium of the Nematological Society of Southern Africa. May 2011,

Kruger, D M H, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2011. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards, IN: Proceedings of the Biofumigation and Biopesticide Symposium. October 2011,

Du Toit, A, Slabbert, E, Jacobs, K, Fourie, J C, Du Plessis, K. 2012. Microbial diversity in vineyards under different soil management practices, IN: Proceedings of the 34th South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. November 2012,

Fourie, J C, Sassman, L W, Freitag, K. 2012. The effects of two cover crop management practices applied to cover crops selected for their bio-fumigation potential on winter growing weed stand and spectrum, IN: Proceedings of the 34th South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. November 2012,

Halleen, F, Fourie, J C. 2012. The effect of cover crops, selected for their potential to bio-fumigate the soil, managed according to two cover crop management practices, on the occurrence of soil-borne pathogens in grapevine roots, Proceedings of the 34th South African Society for Enology and Viticulture Congress. November 2012,

Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2012. The role of cover crops in suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards, IN: Proceedings of the 34th South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. November 2012,

Fourie, J C, Sassman L W, Freitag, K. 2013. Effect of cover crops with bio-fumigation potential, and the management thereof, on the nematode and weed population, as well as grapevine performance and soil quality, In: Proceedings of the 35th South African Society for Enology and Viticulture. November 2013,

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Kruger, D H M, Fourie, J C, Malan, A P. 2014. The role of cover crops with biofumigation potential for the suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards, IN: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Biofumigation. September 2014,

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Nyamanda, V R. 2013. Seasonal variation in weed species diversity and dry matter production in cover crops managed by mechanical cultivation in vineyards. BSc (Hons). Thohoyando, South Africa: University of Venda.

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Mashamba, D. 2013. Comparison of winter and summer weed species diversity and dry matter production in annual cover crops managed by herbicides in vineyards. BSc (Hons). Thohoyando, South Africa: University of Venda.


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