Project title:
Establishment of grapevine leafroll associated virus 1 and 2 ELISAs
Project number:
Project leader:
Prof Gerhard Pietersen
Patho Solutions
Start date:
Prof Gerhard Pietersen
Project description:
Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus-3 (GLRaV-3) is the most widespread and the focus of control of leafroll-associated viruses. Other associated viruses like GLRaV-1 and -2 also occur; however, only GLRaV-3 ELISA tests are available, so there is a need for ELISAs for GLRaV-1 and -2.
The Vine Improvement Association (VIA) certification scheme mandates tests for GLRaV-1, -2, and -3. In the past, this was done via a locally prepared single ELISA system that could detect these three viruses. This test, however, is no longer available, and currently, only GLRaV-3 testing is locally available and affordable.
This project aims to develop ELISA tests to detect GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-2 and, if successful, combine them into a GLRaV1, -2, & -3 cocktail ELISA, which can detect all three viruses within a single test.