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The development of an action threshold for ants in vineyards

by | Aug 16, 2021 | Viticulture

Project number

Project title
The development of an action threshold for ants in vineyards

Project leader
Addison, P

University of Stellenbosch. Department of Entomology

Team members
Addison, P
Lang, A O
Samways, M J
Williams, L

Plant Protection

Completion date

Project description
In South Africa it is not known at what level of infestation ants pose a threat to the biological control of vine mealybug.  To establish this, the relationship between ants, mealybugs and their natural enemies must be clearly defined in the field since this interaction influences the ants’ injuriousness and therefore the necessity to control them.

The aim of this project was to correlate ant infestation with vine mealybug infestation and mealybug parasitism in three main vine-growing areas of the Western Cape.  The ultimate objective of the project was to provide an action threshold, which will enable producers to decide when to implement chemical control against ants.

Final Report.pdf

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